Tuesday, June 26, 2007

on this wicked search for God and truth and value it usually seems like nothing comes and everything is without answer or substantial meaning.
death is random and possibly terrible.
love is uncertain.
time has sharp teeth that ravenously crave our existence.
emotions are unsettling
and the future deserves a punch in the face for being so damn elusive.
everything is elusive and unpredictable.

how the hell do we get up in the morning?
how the hell do we ever know we're worth something?
what means anything if everything i feel or do can be controlled by my mind?

i'm not sure.

but i do know that i am not a robot.
i have meaning because you've given me meaning.


the complexity of our emotions
the depth of your perception
the lust you have for information
and goodness (best of all)
you are my reality
and, at the very least, you are a living example of perfect human love.

i want to make you feel better. i want to see you filled with purpose and passion and i want you to find where your deepest gladness meets the worlds greatest hunger - your calling
(thank you beuchner...)

i will do what it takes to get you there.
i am committed to you.
i am committed to loving you.
i am committed to seeking the best for you before myself.

i love you.

1 comment:

Chase Macabre said...

i want to do the same for you. completely